Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oh "Two"dles! It's Ella Grace's 2nd Birthday!

Ella's party was at the house and we were joined by Grammie, Poppy, Papa, Mimi, Lala, Aunt Jess, Uncle Rick, Cousin Addi, Uncle Josh and many other cousins! We are so blessed that everyone joined us to celebrate our sweet girl. E's obesses with Mick Mau so we decided to play on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for this year's celebration.


Front Door Hanger

Minnie Mac 'n Cheese Bites, Hot Diggity Dogs, Donald Dippers,
Clubhouse sandwiches, Daisy's Berry Salad, Pluto's Pea Salad
and Mickey Oreos and Cupcakes

"Two"dles Cupcakes

Make a Wish Big Girl

Just Keep Swimming

Jack finished his first set of swim lessons this morning. He has become quite the fish. He loves that he can swim without floaties now. It's on to the intermediate class.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Ella Grace

Our baby toddler (tear) E in all her glory! She is officially out of the baby years and into toddlehood. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by.

Dear Ella Grace,

Happy 2nd Birthday! In two very short years you have brought such joy to our lives. Your sass and sillyness make for some really great times. We marvel at how smart you singing your ABCs and watching and mimicing everything big brother, Jack, does. You are fearless and ready to tackle the world. Your curiosity knows no bound. You are also as sweet as pie. You love playing tea party and picnic with your daddy and brushing mommy's hair.

We love everything about you and thank God everyday for giving us such a beautfiul gift!

Mommy and Daddy

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Project 52, Week 24

52:24 Ella Grace- Defiant
She insisted on crawling around the splash park, much to my dismay.
 As I take this picture, I am begging her to get up.  

52:24Jack Ryan- Joyous
His face says it all!
*On a side not, I'm not getting along with Photoshop right now, so the captions are hanging outside of the pcitures.

Monday, June 11, 2012

7 years and no itch....

It's been 7 years since I said "I do" and embarked on the journey of a lifetime with my soulmate. 17 years ago we went a the date that would change our lives. It started with dinner at Outback, followed by the movie Outbreak and ended with a sweet kiss goodnight. I don't think I slept a wink that night. Happy Anniversary to my hot firefighter! I can't wait to see what happens next! Love, love, love, love you!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

We've got a swimmer....

Jack had his first swimming lesson today, and if you can't tell, he LOVED it! He was a pro. I am so thankful we exposed him to the water before his lessons. Some of the kids were terrified of the water.

Friday, June 8, 2012

New Roommates!

Our new roommates have arrived! Amy and Zoe, along with Papa Joe and UB made the long long long drive to Texas this week. Amy has a few days to unwind and unpack before starting her new job! Jack and Zoe are having a great time together and Little E is holding her own with the big kids. We took a break from all the organizing and enjoyed some splash park fun!